Tuesday, May 20, 2008

One of those days

I am trying really, really hard not to let this blog become my personal venting space, but seriously!

If you didn't know me better, you'd wonder what color my roots really are (no offense to the blondies out there). Yesterday and today have been two of those days when you have to wonder how I get through the day...

Yesterday...didn't check the weather, wore a short sleeved shirt to work with my pants. Not a big deal, right??? Wrong...cloudy, cold, rainy...I was freezing!!! Today...checked the weather, partly cloudy, high of 62-67 degrees. So, I planned for Supervalu to turn the air on seeing that it would be "warm" outside. Little did I know...they didn't...I was very warm...

I can't win for losing. Can't dress correctly for any of the weather! Ugh.

That's it for now...hope you all have a better day than I've had.

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