Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I did it!!!

I did it!!!

I applied for admission into Graduate School at Roosevelt University. Acceptance aside, I still have to wait for them to get my transcripts from Western, and for the department to get my "goal statement".

So, if the stars align, and the moon is full, and the wind is just right...I'll get accepted in time to start classes in the fall at which point, I'll be taking 1-2 classes at a time throughout Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters. The longer option (1 class/semester) will have me graduating Friday, May 11, 2012. Mark your calendars and consider this your advanced notice.

On to the details: I am/will be pursuing a Master of Arts in Training and Development. Roosevelt University is based in Chicago, with a campus in Schaumburg, IL. They offer 1 certificate, 1 Bachelor's, and 1 Master's degree online. I would be taking the same classes, taught by the same professors as the students in Chicago, but without the moving.

In the meanwhile, I'm putting the final touches on the "goal statement" - aka Cover Letter, which is used to help weed out the Education majors who want to teach in schools...this degree is not for that. Transcripts need to be ordered (something that I hope to do tomorrow), and I need to wait (with patience) for more details from the school.

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